Thursday, December 18, 2008

Back to Normal, with a Little Help from my Friends

Had some guests with me at the range on Saturday. Couple of friends went out to Dedham with me. One even had a car, so didn't have to take the bus or walk across the cold. After a quick lunch, the three of us went in, hoping there would be room on the line for all of us to shoot for an hour. A party was just getting started, and there were some other archery patrons, but we were able to find a trio of lanes, so while my friends got set up with range equipment, I put my bow together, and out to the line we went.

After a couple of warm up ends, one of my friends decided that we should keep score and have a competition. Now keep in mind, I have not had a scoring round since my shoulder started bothering my back in July, so I'm a little apprehensive, but my shoulder has been feeling better, so I agreed. My friends shot at 60 cm targets, while I shot at a 40. It was my suggestion. One didn't really want to go along with it, but in the end decided to go ahead.

Seeing as my friends have shot a grand total of (at most) twice between them in the last four years, it was not much of a contest. They were going at each other for barebow supremacy. I was shooting for a good ten end round. Ended up with a 223, which while not spectacular, is quite respectable for my first scoring round in 5 months. Finally getting seriously on the road to back to normal. Not ready for tournament doubles yet, and won't be for a while, but I was long overdue to return to single rounds. The work will be good for strengthening my shoulder, and I'll have some tangible results to judge my shooting by.


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