Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Little History, Part 10: On the Road to Replacing the Riser

I drove across the country with my bow on the deck above the back seat of my car. As I crossed the Texas panhandle, I saw a range and all I could think of was how much I would have liked to stop. On I drove, however, across I-40 before turning north up the eastern seaboard. On a stop for lunch in Maryland, I called Lloyd to get the number of Eric Hall at Archery International Marketing (AIM). AIM was the main importer of Samick products in the U.S., and before leaving San Diego, a strange sound had started coming from my bow. Not sure what the problem was, I decided to stop at AIM, which was located in Willimantic, CT, to see if I could get the problem solved. I spoke to Eric on the phone while at that stop in Maryland. I told him I would be in the Willimantic area the next day, and was hoping that I could speak to him. He agreed, and on I went up the coast.

The next day, after getting lost between Meriden (where my friend and I had stopped for the night) and Willimantic, I finally found my way to AIM. Eric was not there, however, apparently having forgotten a prior commitment when I spoke to him the day before. Not willing to leave my bow at that point, I figured I would still take the opportunity to buy a quiver, which I needed. I was taken back into the stacks, picked out a quiver, and after I inquired as to the cost, was told that I could take it because Eric had missed our meeting. I thanked them and set back out on the road to Rhode Island.

A few weeks later, I drove back down to Willimantic from Boston in order to find out what the problem was with my bow. Leaving the riser and limbs behind, I returned Boston to await the news from AIM. When it finally came, the determination was that there was a problem in the riser. AIM was sending me back my limbs, with a new Samick Mizar riser, and a new arrow rest (as my old one was stuck on the problem riser). When the package arrived, I had a full set of equipment, all in good working order. I could finally start the next stage of my archery progression.

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