Saturday, September 13, 2008

Up and Back

I'm sitting with an ice pack on my shoulder after shooting today. Got 21 arrows in, pulling me ever closer to a full scoring round.

The archery range in GGPark has 9 target buts, with 2 paved lanes marked at 10 meter and 10 yard distances back to 90 meters.

I decided to change things up a little bit this week. Instead of shooting at the normal indoor distance of 18 meters/20 yeards, I instead moved back to 40 meters to see what I could do. Also pulled out my good arrows instead of just using the older, heavier ones. Ran into an interesting problem. Because I had to lower the sight in order to hit the target, the aperture was sitting partly behind the clicker, making it difficult to see. I'll have to experiment some to see what I can do about that.

Shoulder felt a little tired, tiny bit sore, but no pain. Feeling pretty good about the results.

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